Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 12:00pm to 5:30pm
Lowenstein Sandler LLP
1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY
Lowenstein Sandler LLP and Free the Slaves are co-sponsoring a unique luncheon conference to examine the quickly-evolving field of slavery and the law. Regulations that require companies to investigate forced labor slavery in their products have been emerging at the state, federal and international levels. Socially-responsible investment funds are screening companies for their human rights standards and practices.
Key Conference Themes
- Current Landscape: What are the current efforts to eradicate slavery from supply chains and are they effective?
- What’s Next: What new, modified, and expanded efforts to change supply chain behavior are on the horizon?
- Being Prepared: Are businesses and their counsel prepared to address effectively the growing issues of supply chain transparency and accountability?
Featured Speakers
- Jean Baderscheider: Former Exxon Mobil Vice President of Global Procurement and current CEO of the Global Fund to End Slavery
- Ralph Falzone: U.S. Department of State
- Cecilia Gardner: Jewelers Vigilance Committee
- Judy Gerhart: International Labor Rights Forum
- Steve Hitov: Coalition of Immokalee Workers
- E. Christopher Johnson: Center for Justice, Rights and Dignity
- Adam Kanzer: Domini Social Investments
- Melysa Sperber: Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking